A couple of weeks ago, I took an oil-painting workshop that my dad instructed. It was only a two-day workshop, but it was super informative and surprisingly encouraging! Pictured above is a shot of me cleaning out my brush in a tin can. I used photo reference of an orange that that was provided to each student for the "still-life fundamentals" portion of day one. Along with an agenda, he briefly addresses basic materials, pallet set-up and general color theory before the demonstrations. After each demo he gives us all ample amount of time to work, which is unheard of for an oil-painting workshop! After the two day workshop, I left with the least amount of finished oil-paintings in the class, three! For more information on Nyle Gordon, the greatest oil-painting instructor in all the lands you can visit his website, www.nylegordon.com. He is a very productive painter, not to mention a highly booked instructor and is getting better about updating his website more often between plein-air competitions and art fair season. His shows, workshops and classes are all posted under his "events" tab or you can keep up with his day to day with his FB page here.